The Adventure Of Link | Consul- NES
Genre- RPG/Adventure
My Rating- The Adventure of Link was the second game in the Zelda series. It came out in 1989 and became a quick hit but was somewhat of a dissapointment in many ways. The fact that Nintendo had changed the topview look from the first game into a sidescrolling game. It was only top view when you leave a town which made the game 100% RPG. If the first one was such a hit why so many changes? Nintendo wanted a new formula apparently. The game goes like this: Link is about to turn sixteen years old when a strange symbol of the Triforce appears on his hand. In his confusion, he goes to Princess Zelda's nursemaid, Impa, for help. Impa identifies the mark and tells Link of the time of the first Zelda who was put into an eternal sleep by an evil wizard. The prince, in his grief, put Zelda in a chamber and hoped that one day she would come back to life. In this tragic turn of events, he ordered that every female born into the royal family from that time forward so that this event shall never be forgotten. She tells Link that the only way to wake her is to take the six gems and put them in their places in the six palaces of Hyrule. After he finishes this quest, he battles a foe so unexpected that not even he was ready for it. This foe was his own shadow! He defeatedhis shadow and the Ancient Zelda awakend from her sleep and once again, Link had saved the day!
Despite it's new look and graphics, The Adventure of Link was still a very fun game and it did become a hit, just not as big a hit as the first one had. I give this game five stars! |