This is the Fact/Fiction page! This page sorts out all the rumors from all the real stuff about the Zelda series! Enjoy this page!
The other day I was surfing the web and I ran a search on Zelda and came across a site that said something about Zelda having something to do with the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). The Ku Klux Klan is a terrible white-supremist group that originated a long time ago. They hate colored people and stuff like that. Anyway, I ran across more sites talking about it. Supposedly, one of the KKK's symbols is an upside-down Tri-force. I thought about this and decided, Ah Japanese people probably don't believe in white-supremecy, why would Mayamoto do that on purpose? That's what I decided, but then I found this picture of the Tri-force. That picture came out of a beta version of Ocarina of Time. It made me wonder, but I went ahead and decided it was probably just a coincidence. But, ya' never know.
Is Mario in the Zelda games? Yes! Some people hate the idea of Mario being in the Zelda games because he is a totally different genre of games. But Nintendo just likes to have a little fun, so let's list all the times Mario has appeared in Zelda games!
In Ocarina of Time, the sleepy dude, (I forget his name) looks like Mario and if you look at him up close, he wears a Bowser Koopa necklace.
In Ocarina of Time, in the palace, there are pictures of the Mario characters hanging on the walls.
In Majora's Mask, the Gorman brothers all look like Luigi.
In Link's Awakening, throughout your quest, you will see Goombas, Paranah Plants, Thwomps, Shy-guys, and Kirby. (Not exactly a Mario character, but oh well.)
In Link's Awakening, in some of the houses there are pictures of Mario on the walls.
In Link's Awakening, Tarin looks just like Mario.
That about covers it! Mario is in the Zelda games!
Is the Tri-force in Ocarina of Time? There have been rumors floating around all over the internet that there are. Loads of people claim they found it and loads of people make fake screenshots to try and prove it but for real, there is no known way to get the Tri-force in Ocarina of Time.
These are just some shots from beta versions of Ocarina of Time.